We finally caught up with Amy and Brad Major of Donna Jeanne’s Sweet Dreams. Those normal early morning or late night baker hours and their

307 W. Western Avenue
growing business has keep them quite busy since May 2017 when they launched their small batch, nostalgic sweet shop at the Muskegon Western Market Chalets on Western Avenue. “It was a perfect time for us to get serious about doing this” said Amy. “We owned an ice cream truck and operated in Grand Rapids a few years ago so we knew we would venture into another business at some point.” “We also enjoy cooking and baking together.” Brad’s motto also may have contributed to jumping in when they did. He lives by “go out on a limb, which is where the fruit is.”
Amy offered that their theme since they opened has been all about learning, and since she is a Principal in the Forest Hills School District, learning is right up her alley. Several of the things they learned were planning for the right quantities of their baked goods to ensure freshness and quality which they live by; learning what days of the week would be busier, taking cues from customers and yes some of the items they thought would be popular turns out they were not, so adjusting their product mix based on customer feedback. Most of the recipes they use are family recipes. They had great support from both Amy’s and Brad’s parents who not only supported them with their time but also helped them perfect their techniques while making those family recipes. Their daughter who is now in college also helped out with the business this summer.
Brad and Amy’s goal is to deliver an experience and when someone bites in to one of their classic sweets that it transitions them to a memory of their past and they say something like “oh my that tastes just like what my grandmother used to make” and places them back in that moment of time. Their Dutch Almond Bars seem to do that for their customers and their Almond Paste comes right from the Netherlands. They have a fan club now with many of their customers returning often. They have gotten to know some of their customers well and one even shared a family recipe with them and translated it into English from Dutch.
We asked them about their challenges and since both Amy and Brad have other careers the balance of careers, starting a new business and home life has been hard. Brad has owned his own business, Major Masonry, for 22 years and Amy being a Principal of a school has some time off over the summer but never enough time! That all led to lack of sleep too.
One thing they stressed was the timing of everything and the opening of the Muskegon Western Market Chalets which allowed them a small retail space and being part of the downtown experience and growth. They had a list of people and organizations that they gave a lot of credit to for supporting them and all the entrepreneurs that are working to start or grow a business in downtown Muskegon. “The City of Muskegon, specifically the City Clerk’s Office, has provided a tremendous amount of support and helped connect us to other resources that we needed and are now enjoying,” said Amy. They also said the Muskegon Lakeshore Chamber of Commerce was very helpful in promoting their business and the Western Market Chalets, all of the festivals that happen in downtown Muskegon have been great for business too.
“Working out of Kitchen 242 has made it much easier for us because of the proximity to our chalet and also the equipment that we have available to us,” Brad said. “If we would have had to purchase the equipment we have access to at Kitchen 242 might have prohibited us from getting started.”

Raspberry Scones
Brad and Amy encourage anyone who is thinking about starting a business, don’t wait any longer, the time is now.
Right now you can find their classic sweets at Donna Jeanne’s Sweet Dreams at the Muskegon Western Market Chalet. However, soon you may be finding their sweets on local restaurant’s menus as that may be their next step. Western Market Chalets will be open Thursday, Friday and Saturday’s through Halloween and then on Friday and Saturdays through the Christmas holiday season. They also participated in the Muskegon Farmers Market Food Truck Rallies this summer and they have been invited to participate in two upcoming festivals.
We asked what their list of signature sweets has on it these days:

Peanut Butter Stuffed Pretzels
Michigan Apple-Cherry Fritter, Dulce De Leche Bars, Dutch Almond Bars, French Macaroons, Peanut Butter Stuffed Pretzels, Ice Lemonade Muffins, Scones and their Gargantuan Cinnamon Rolls. Can’t you just smell them baking?
Brad has become the Scone Master!
While they are still figuring out the best way to communicate with customers you can find them:
Find them on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/DonnaJeannesSweetDreams/?ref=br_rs
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/donnajeannessweetdreams/
Twitter: @donnajeannes