The passion has been in her for years. Coming from working in health

Renee Randell, Owner
Bodhi Tree Market
foodstores since the age of 22, Renee Randell has had a passion to help people be healthier for a very long time. She spent time working her way through various certifications in health and nutrition related areas to become the expert she is today. Both Renee and her husband John started juicing for themselves which also led to their own garden so they could have fresh ingredients for their juices. They are full-time farmers now too. They use organic or pesticide free ingredients from other local farmers when they cannot harvest from their own garden. Demand for their juices has been on the rise, so they even approached a local farmer that they buy from if he would increase his yield of beets to supply them so they can meet increased demand.
There is a very specific technique to producing their juices. They utilize a stainless steel hydraulic press, the produce must remain cold so preparing to put through the press is planned very carefully and in the correct sequence. “Cold pressed juices only take about 10-15 minutes to enter your bloodstream, your body doesn’t need to digest anything,” Renee shared with us. She added “you will feel a positive difference almost immediately.” They have many repeat customers that visit and purchase from them weekly. Customers tell them that when they run out or go without for a period of time that their body craves their juice. Renee also shared that they sell out every Saturday at Sweetwater so they have steadily been increasing their production which they do mostly on Fridays so that the juices they provide their customers are as fresh as possible.
They have five flavors of juice and with three to five pounds of produce in a 17 ounce bottle, along with the extraction method ensures they are loaded with healthy and the freshest nutrients. Renee likes to offer information and respond to health and nutrition questions in person and also her blog and social media outlets (see below).
They started selling juices in September of 2016. They knew there would be a demand as Renee had been teaching juicing classes around the area for a while which then expanded to providing all of the raw ingredients in a bag with instructions so that people could take home and do it on their own. Well, some just want the juice without having to work for it. Renee said, “I woke up in the middle of the night with the idea that we just had to make juices, so many people were asking.” They then discovered Kitchen 242 and proceeded to get their license through Michigan Department of Agriculture and Rural Development and have officially been selling now for about 3 months.
We asked what future plans look like and Renee shared this, “we are just letting it unfold as it will and we will grow based on demand.” She did however hint at adding staff in the near future as they submitted their application for the Muskegon Farmers Market Winter market and also desire to be at the Grand Haven Farmers Market next summer. They do have someone who helps with marketing, social media as Renee admits it is hard to keep up with everything as she also has an online website where she sells fair trade products and John works outside the home as well, and then they both work on the farm.
Here is how you can find Bodhi Tree Market:
Social Media: Facebook
Where can you find them: Sweetwater Local Foods Market ( and Muskegon Farmers Market (
Look for the following flavors: Carrot Juice Blend, Orange Juice Blend, Carrot Beet Juice Blend and Cucumber Juice Blend